Supporting winning African startups with:


Targeting great teams and hyper scalable ideas, we fund early stage technology startups in Africa. Supporting founders from the first check and help bring on follow-on funding through later stages.


Orchestrating by thoughtful design ways for startups to defy gravity, moving quickly from tinkerers to dominators. Embedding lots of local expertise and respecting the African nuances has helped catapult startups into multi-market and product success.

Mergers & Acquisition

Growth hacking via acquisitions can be lifechanging for technology startups. Getting IP, talent and markets can beneficial but requires thoughtful target acquisition, deal design and most importantly post-deal support to ensure proper plug to play.


Offering you the chance to join in the journey of supporting the best early-stage pipeline in Africa. Creating a track record of attractive returns, finding early deals that are peer/EarlyBird founders approved.

Our Portfolio

Below are some of the brands that we've worked with.

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About us

We are building the next generation of African operators, investors and founders.

EarlyBird Venture Lab is focused on supporting founders and investors on the journey to creating long-lasting, impactful and collaborative relationships. We bring multiple disciplines to the table but the most important is being founder-friendly, early to the game and optimizing for speed.





5X to 50X
